Have you been looking for an Egalitarian Conservative Ketubah Text?
Many conservative Jewish couples use the original and ancient Ketubah text on their modern ketubahs. I think that it’s absolutely incredible that a text which was written over 2000 years ago is still being used today. Did you know that the traditional text isn’t even in Hebrew? It’s in Aramaic! I find a lot of beauty in continuing the use of this traditional text – it links us to our past, and it reminds us of what a revolutionary document the ketubah was during that time.
That said, in many ways, this ancient text no longer applies to our lives today. It speaks of the transaction of goods as part of the marriage process, which can make some modern couples uncomfortable.
As of this week, I can offer Conservative Jewish couples a beautiful alternative to the traditional Conservative Ketubah text. It was written by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg, who has given me permission to offer it as an option here. I love it because it removes the talk of money and transaction, but maintains the solemn feel of the original text. It also includes the Lieberman clause which is a key component to a valid Conservative Ketubah.
What do you think?
Conservative Egalitarian with Lieberman Clause
On the ____ day of the week on the ___ day of the month of ____, in the year _____ after the creation of the world, in the city of ______ in the state of _____, we celebrate that the groom, ____, son of ____ and ____, said to the bride, ____, daughter of ____ and ____, “I wish for you to marry me according to the laws of Moses and Israel, so you will be my friend and my covenanted wife, and I will work, sustain and cherish you as is the way of Jewish men, and I will provide for your food, clothing, and your other needs, and I will have conjugal relations with you.” And then the bride, ____ daughter of ____ and _____, said to the groom, _____, son of ____ and _____, “I wish for you to marry me according to the laws of Moses and Israel, so you will be my friend and my covenanted husband, and I will work, sustain and cherish you as is the way of Jewish women, and I will provide for your food, clothing, and your other needs, and I will have conjugal relations with you.” And if this union should be dissolved in a secular court, or if one of this couple leaves their home with the intention to dissolve the marriage, and they live separately for twelve months, if he sends her a get according to the laws of Moses and Israel, then this betrothal and marriage shall be right and good. If, however, after twelve months he has not sent her a get according to the laws of Moses and Israel, then this betrothal and marriage shall be null and void from the start. And the groom, _____, son of _____ and _____, and the bride, _____, daughter of _____ and _____, accepted upon themselves legal responsibility for this ketubah as weighty as all ketubah contracts which are made according to the ordinances of our Sages of blessed memory.
You can see all my Hebrew and English text options here.

I'm Adriana Saipe, founder of Ink with Intent. I'm a full-time wedding illustrator who specializes in contemporary ketubahs and unique wedding certificates. Learn more.
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