Introducing my interfaith ketubah text
One of my favorite ketubah texts that I offer is my interfaith ketubah text. Why? Because an interfaith marriage is about so much more than just promising to accept each others’ religious backgrounds. A true interfaith marriage is about exploring the best parts of each of your perspectives and weaving a new narrative for your family based on both traditions. It’s challenging and beautiful and each interfaith couple experiences the process in a different way.
That’s the main idea that I wanted to capture when I sat down to write my interfaith ketubah text.
Here’s the interfaith ketubah text in full:
On the ___ day of the month of ___ in the year ___ in ___, ___, ______, (son/daughter) of ______ and ______, and ______, (son/daughter) of ______ and ______, enter into this covenant of marriage as loving companions.
Surrounded by family and friends and witnessed by God, we affirm our commitment to each other. Our lives shall be forever intertwined. Each day we will strive to deepen our relationship, to listen compassionately, and to accept and understand one another. We will unite in our shared values, for they will strengthen us. We will honor our differences, for they will enrich us. Our family will practice customs rooted in the traditions of each of our ancestors. Yet we will leave space in our lives for new customs created from our shared experiences. Our home will be a place of warmth, generosity, and most of all love.
These things we promise each other as we joyfully commit ourselves as husband and wife (husband and husband / wife and wife / loving partners).
But there are so many good interfaith ketubah texts out there. Rachel Deitsch’s text and the texts on TINAK are some of my other favorite interfaith ketubah texts. Aren’t they beautiful?

I'm Adriana Saipe, founder of Ink with Intent. I'm a full-time wedding illustrator who specializes in contemporary ketubahs and unique wedding certificates. Learn more.
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