Julia and Phillip’s Custom Architectural Ketubah
About 10% of my ketubah clients choose to do a full custom design, and for that, I’m super grateful. Working on custom designs is always an opportunity to flex my creative muscles and to try out ideas I might not have arrived at on my own. And at the end of every experience, I always feel like I learned something.
I’ve had clients approach me with countless incredible ideas for custom ketubot – from Zion national park, to the hills of eastern Vermont, to a typographic design featuring three very different languages. Each time I set up a video call to discuss a new prospective client’s ideas, I’m blown away by what they’ve come up with. (Seriously, you guys are a blast to work with!)
Today, I thought I’d share a little about a custom ketubah that I did last summer for a couple getting married in the brand new contemporary wing of the Chicago Art Institute. As someone who lived in Chicago for four years, I was very familiar with the beautiful architecture of Art Institute and the surrounding grounds. But the challenge was going to be capturing the essence of the place without getting lost in the details. I spent a long time studying the lines and shapes that made up this beautiful piece of architecture, and eventually I landed on a design that felt true to life but not overly literal. My favorite part of the design was adding a faint reflection of the Chicago skyline in the windows of the building. I felt good about how the piece turned out, and I think the couple was pretty happy with it too!
If you’re interested in a custom design, you can always browse some of my recent work over here, or set up a free video chat conference to hash out some of your ideas.

I'm Adriana Saipe, founder of Ink with Intent. I'm a full-time wedding illustrator who specializes in contemporary ketubahs and unique wedding certificates. Learn more.
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