Eliot and Julyssa’s Vintage Soiree

With Thanksgiving just two days away, it’s easy to be overwhelmed with all the things I’m thankful for.  My wonderful family, amazing friends, and mischievous dog all make the list, of course.  But this year, I’m particularly thankful for the incredible clients who fill my work days with new ideas, challenging projects, and glimpses into their most important celebrations.  Seriously, you guys are an honor to work with.

On that note, I’m excited to share a project I worked on over the summer as part of Eliot and Julyssa’s vintage-inspired wedding.  They approached me about doing a wedding certificate that captured their antique but fresh aesthetic (I was told to think typewriters and lace) while celebrating who they were as a couple.  Here’s the design we landed on together:

Eliot and Julyssa

It’s definitely different than my typical landscapes and abstracts, but it was all kinds of fun to work on.  The couple, along with their incredibly talented photographer Sam Hurd, have graciously allowed me to share some additional wedding photos from their special day.  So, enjoy this little peek into Eliot and Julyssa’s vintage-inspired soiree!

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I'm Adriana Saipe, founder of Ink with Intent. I'm a full-time wedding illustrator who specializes in contemporary ketubahs and unique wedding certificates. Learn more.

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  1. Sarah Resnick on December 1, 2015 at

    Love this one Adriana, it’s beautiful!

    • Adriana Saipe on December 1, 2015 at

      Thanks so much, Sarah!

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