The Ketubah – explained in 60 seconds

Meaningful Jewish Screentime

Before I had my own Jewish wedding, I was rather mystified by the vast majority of Jewish wedding customs. Each custom came with its own name, its own props, its own ceremony, and sometimes even its own music. And there were a lot of them!

Plus, since these customs each looks slightly different depending on your denomination and your specific Rabbi, my internet research was leaving me more confused than enlightened.

That is, until I stumbled upon Meaningful Jewish Screentime

This Youtube channel is incredible. Oh. My. Goodness. It tackles every major lifecycle and holiday event in the Jewish tradition and explains their significance in short, animated clips. Not only is the animation and artwork completely adorable, but they manage to make complicated customs understandable, and therefore more meaningful.

They’ve even created a segment on the ketubah!

I definitely encourage you to pop over to their channel and check out the wedding section. This stuff is pure gold!


I'm Adriana Saipe, founder of Ink with Intent. I'm a full-time wedding illustrator who specializes in contemporary ketubahs and unique wedding certificates. Learn more.

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  1. Rhianna Hawk on August 30, 2018 at

    I’m marrying a man who is a Jew and I honestly don’t know a lot about his family customs, but he did mention the ketubah to me briefly and so I appreciate the struggle you describe with learning for your own Jewish wedding. It’s good to know that any nice pen will work for the signing; I was worried I’d need some fancy ceremonial pen. I’ll definitely take your advice and have extra paper on hand as well so we can all practice before writing on the ketubah itself.

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